
Everything To Know About The Best Aquarium Filters Out There!

Best Aquarium Filters Buying Guide_

Here we try to Guide you for your best aquarium filters whether it is fish or Turtles. Save them from the toxic and unclean environment of your aquarium.

Aquariums filled with exotic and elegant creatures diverse in color and shapes are beautiful and sightly. They can give color to our surroundings and make any room immediately look fresher and more inviting. It does not really matter if it is fish or turtles that we decide to look after. Who wouldn’t want to make their room look friendlier?

The first thing you might be asking yourself is why you should consider investing in a filter for your aquarium. Or perhaps you are baffled with the wide span of variety on the market and have no clue as to where one should start. We understand you completely. The nature of this article is exactly that; to present you well-processed information that is easy to understand and which will ultimately help you understand filters better and guide you to choose the best aquarium filters in your shopping choices. So bear with us and relax; by the end of this read, you will know everything you need to know about filters.

Know About the Best Aquarium Filters Out There

As with almost everything else, proper care and adequate hygiene is key when we decide to nurture animals. And special accent is put on animals that in order to survive in our homes, they exclusively need to live in an aquarium.

Aquariums are confined spaces that have no natural way of filtration unless the water is being changed quite often which is time-consuming and can get rather messy. This is exactly where filters come into play. They have the ability to make our life and the lives of our colorful friends a whole lot easier and comfier. The nature of the filters is also quite easy to understand and below we will give you a short and simple explanation of each type of filter so you have a general understanding about best aquarium filters.

How do filters work? To put it simply and easy to understand, the filter purifies the water and flashes out all the bad particles in the water that could potentially harm your pets, making filters a very important part of every aquarium. The excess food, decay of organic matter, free-floating particulate, dangerous chemicals and the waste of the organism that live inside the aquarium can all contribute to a toxic environment that worsens as time passes without the water being filtered. And as we have established earlier, all this could potentially poison our pets. Thus, if we want them to be healthy and happy, we need to clear all the toxic waste. This is the basic knowledge you need to have.

Now as to what kind of aquarium filters are out there on the market, this is where it gets a tad more complicated. But don’t be intimidated. Once you understand the base, you will get the hang of it easily. So please bear with us.

To make it easier to grasp, we can categorize them into three main ways of filtration

  1. Biological
  2. Chemical and
  3. Mechanical.

Biological filtration:

Biological Filtration

The Nitrogen Cycle by Biological Filtration

Biological filtration one works by beneficial bacteria breaking down ammonia and nitrite while transforming them into compounds. Compounds are extremely less toxic and much safer. In order for the beneficial bacteria to survive, we need water that is rich with oxygen and surface upon which the bacteria can attach to. Such as rocks, pebbles and sand. Biological filtration is the most important way of filtration and every aquarium needs some sort of it. By itself, biological filtration is only useful for small aquariums that home smaller and more loosely populated organisms. Click here to choose your best biological filter media out there.

Chemical filtration:

Chemical filtration is by using additives that flush out the dissolved of the waste. Mostly used additive is charcoal based. More details, Click here.

Mechanical filtration:

Mechanical filtration also called true filtration is when water is pushed out through a simple filter that holds on to the particles. Although much useful for removing floating waste before it decays, mechanical filtration is not sufficient on itself as it does not remove the nitrate and ammonia from the water. You can have more knowledge on mechanical filtration to read this article.

Onto the filter types, there are a few different ones. We will give you an objective overview of the most notable ones:

  • Sponge or air driven

They are equipped with a pump and are fitted with a tube. They are one of the simplest filters out there. Sponges are quite useful for small aquariums as the smaller fish cannot be sucked into the large pump. The way they filter water is by pushing water through the sponge which ultimately filters the water of all small particles that are bad for the environment of the organisms living inside the aquarium.

  • Power filter

These filters hand on the back of the aquarium. A prominent way of filtration is the biological filtration that happens inside the cartridge of the filter itself. The other part of the filtration happens with a filter pad through which the water flows. These filters are quite easy to install and maintain which makes them a valid choice among the others. Power filters are especially known for removing a large amount of toxins quite effectively.

  • Canister filter

It is mostly used for large aquariums. Equipped with siphon tubes and flexible pipes, they have thick and dense special material that can hold on to the smaller particles, making it the best mechanical filter. A con is that there is not much biological filtration due to its low levels of oxygen. The canister filters are the choice to go with if you have an aquarium that has plant life inside. Find the perfect Canister Filter you can read our specialist’s reviews. It may help you to find the best!

  • Undergravel filter

These are undergravel filters that suck in the water from substrate. There is no chemical filtration but they make up with their versatility; there are two entirely different ways water comes out; either by a pump or powerhead.

  • Internal filter

The compact filters. They work simply by suction cups and can stick to the glass. This filter is the jack of all trades as there are all three types of filtration present at all times.

  • Wet/dry filter

The wet/dry filter is their great potential for biological filtration as they are exposed to air. They are quite hard to install but can be very beneficial. Here is also the ability of chemical filtration if a chemical media is placed.

Which Are The Best Aquarium Filters For Fish & Turtle:

When it comes to turtle aquarium filters, the use the same technology. Below are the best aquarium Canister filters for turtle:


    One of the best and known filter for betta fist tank is AZOO Mignon Filter 60

    Below are the best aquarium filters of general brands for both fish and turtle filters out there on the market:

Filtration technology has evolved with the rest of technology and has made it able to choose from a diverse variety to suit your needs. Ultimately, the choice is entirely yours. Although, you should bear in mind that the size of your aquarium and the species you wish to nurture will play a vital part in picking the right filter or best aquarium filters.

The recommended tank size is from 30 to 55 gallons. This range will almost always be suitable for all your needs.

Have a careful read of the detailed yet simple explanation in this article before you make the big decision.

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