Mental Health Benefits of Keeping Colorful fish!
By definition, fish are known for their ability to boost our moods. In fact, research has shown that aquarium fish can have a positive impact on human mental health in many ways.
By definition, fish are known for their ability to boost our moods. In fact, research has shown that aquarium fish can have a positive impact on human mental health in many ways.
Surely! Betta fish do sleep. But how exactly does it happen? And what is the appearance of a sleeping betta fish? How can you tell if they are sleeping or dead? You will be wondered. So, Let’s get started. All the answers are here!
Salt is essential for the health of fish in an aquarium. Saltwater fish require a certain amount of salt to survive, and if their water does not have a high enough concentration of salt, the fish may die or become weak. In this article, you will know how to add salt mix and what is the best way.
Can’t figure out why your protein skimmer is spitting out so many microbubbles? Here’s a bunch of causes that you can fix & get the bubbles out of your sight!
This article aims to inform you of the different possible temperatures for reef tanks. If you are looking for more information on what temperature is best, please continue reading.
A protein skimmer bubbles and churns the water, injecting fresh oxygen into the aquarium. Protein skimmers help to oxygenates water by removing organic pollutants that can create harmful toxins. You will know more reading this article.
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